Thursday 19 February 2015

The Failure of Debbie Macky

The Failure of Debbie Macky

She was working at being human and she was very pleased with her results. She had even chosen her name and liked how it sounded. She said it over and over again. Things had been left for her and she could always find them in times of need. Documents, papers and even photographs. The human who might have been Debbie Macky didn't need them any more. She laughed and skipped about. Her hair was dark and her eyes the same.
She stood before the mirror saying her name and smiling. Then for a moment the room flickered and the mirror went black.
She swore and hit the deck as a javelin came through the mirror and impaled in the wall behind her. The mirrors surface was still as smooth as it had been before.
She reached out with her mind and grabbed the tooth paste and flicked a large blob all over the silvery surface. The room was perfectly still and nothing moved. Standing slowly she released the breath she was unaware she had been holding. She retrieved the javelin from the wall with effort.
It's smooth white shaft was covered in hotly glowing runes. It's flint tip had covered in an iron and lead mix but the craftsmanship was beautiful. It's grace showed that some of her race were now working for the enemy. Had she been the other-side she could have tracked down the assailant and made them talk. Here though she was still unsure of how strong she was. She raised her slim arms and cast a protective circle around the room, cutting her thumb on an old razor she sealed it with a drop of her blood.
She was angry with herself for allowing herself to be seen. She would not be able to make direct contact now. Debbie licked the blood from her thumb. She sat down cross-legged on the floor of carpet tiles and placed the javelin before her. It look familiar but she couldn't place it. She began to clear her mind and try and work the remembering. Where had she seen those marks before? She could read all of their languages and that of the enemy. The work on the shaft brilliant, it's magick's shone with gold like radiance but were cool to the touch. Someone of great wealth and knowledge had made it. It didn't have her true name on it, but the power for it to pierce the Veil this deeply was worrying. Passing through was one of the hardest things she had ever done, and only her ring had come through with her. Someone knew she had come through. Someone powerful enough to send things through the Veil. She knew she would need to use this to track her mark this side. The poor fool whom the enemy was using like a puppet to find the Golden One.
How? How could they have planted someone so close, with the whole world to look in? How had they know she was coming she was the best but it had been hidden from all but a few.
Bile arose in her throat. We have a traitor.
She was repulsed. She had no love of humans herself, they were blind for the most part but they were so young and we had all be that way once. Yet the others wanted them destroyed. She knew that this century had been the worst, many of their own side turning after the great blackness had cut into the earth so deeply. She was not a narrow minded bigot, and there were more subtle plays of power in the courts than she hadn't a head for. This was after all, the second war.
Centring her mind she examined the javelin again, and there it was. Proof. The court seal on the shaft half obscured by the magicks but there none the less. A traitor in the court.
She had to warn the Golden One. Yet her mission was more important. She must keep her safe from the other agents first.
A shiver rippled up her spine. Was the traitor using the Dark magick to control the puppet?
Helfa yr Helwyr”
The javelin began to wobble and then slowly rise from the floor. It jerked violently towards the mirror and then slowly moved like a compass.
More proof that the traitor was controlling the puppet. Debbie felt a flicker of recognition, the traitor knew someone was using his magicks. She clapped her hands and the spear dropped onto the ground. The connection severed.
She looked around the room for a bag to put some things in, then looked at the spear. She grabbed her handbag and with a word dropped the circle and sucked the rest of the energy into her ring.
She rushed out of the door and went out into the world of people.
Debbie grinned to herself as they sweetly and quietly assumed she was one of them. She walked until she found what she was looking for. The snooker hall was badly lit and she had to walk up steep stone steps. The place crackled with a power. Opening the door she smiled at the guy on the door.
In ten minutes she left with a brand new over priced snooker cue, in a long hard case.
On the way back to to Debbie's place, her place, she stopped at a local shop and bought a packet of cigarettes and a mental lighter with a leaf motif on it.
In the disorderly hedges she placed her finger tips onto the trees and asked directions. Their minds were not used to being spoken to but they were delighted.
My thanks”
She said with a courtly bow and skipped down the road. There were some plants growing outside her house and the weeds reached out for Debbie. Smiling she plucked them as tenderly as she could.
She wrapped them in a soft velvet bag she had found when she got here. Making sure no-one was looking she went into the house. It was a cheap student let with bad furnishings and the smell of damp and over warm plastic.
Everything was as she had left it and she drew a smiley face in the toothpaste in the mirror. The bedroom had a sink and mirror in it probably because there was not enough life in the boiler to heat enough water for the large chipped enamel bath. She thought it unlikely she would stay here anyway. She marvelled at how difficult people made their lives in the name of comfort.
After the ritual she managed to blend the snooker cue and the javelin into the same temporal place. It wasn’t as hard as it sounded as the javelin wasn't supposed to be on this plane at all. It was roughly the same size and weight. The cue adopted the colour of the javelin and the runes still shimmered across it's surface. The tip became heavier and the brass was the leaden colour of the dipped flint. Debbie could have made it invisible but knew that this was better. People didn't not see things like this. They did notice invisible things. Then she began to hunt.
After three weeks of the same routine she frustratingly had very little. At night she went to the park or the common and allowed the compass to direct her. Still she found no trace. One night at half moon she touched a tree just to speak with someone and found it was already awake. They spoke at length in the old language. Then the pine tree gave her the break she had been looking for.
They put the people who can see in a pen like cattle and try and blind them with poison. They think this medicine.”
Where is this pen? What is this medicine?”
I do not know what medicine it is but the place lies over there.”
The tree sent her the map in her mind through the tangle of roots and soil. She had found him. She was sure.
Now she set about finding the things she needed. She would have to do an information sweep to be sure and to get anything she might need. Debbie would need to steal documents and forge her own too. She buried the cue and case under the tree that helped her and asked it to protected it for “Our Lady”.
Behind some tall pine trees in the hospital garden she hid some of the things she might need later, in her duffel bag.
She allowed herself to be less, to shrink all the spark and magick within herself until she didn't even register to people, and she walked around the hospital.
Listening she could hear all the different groups of people. The doctors, the nurses, the patience, and finally the “other staff”. The others here didn't speak much English. Everyone did their best to ignore them and gave them a wide birth due to some of the unsavoury aspect of their job.
Debbie smiled. Perfect. She watched for the shift changed and listened to the Polish and Portuguese laughing at jokes in their own language. As Portuguese was similar to spoken word she already knew she decided to learn that. The orderlies and porters were complaining about the cleaning staff, who had been moaning about the nurses, this made everyone erupt into laughter.
Debbie didn't understand why.
The next night she went to the hospital in an orderly uniform and gave her new I.D. To the duty desk. Her hair was tied back and she smiled apologetically at the nurse who waved her in the direction of someone who had been there a long time. Debbie guessed right, the orderlies organised themselves and with a quick glance at her paperwork Ania Nowikci began her first shift on the “crazy” ward. Nelka was her supervisor and ward she seemed please that Ania kept trying her broken English to talk to her. She chatted with people and smiled and muttered with others. She helped give out medicines and organise the meals. She helped with the paperwork too.
Debbie took some blank forms and merged them with her uniform. It looked as though some ink had smudged onto it. She walked the ward and found the day-room and sat in it was “harmless Gregory”.
After her shift she got everything she needed ready.
Debbie Macky was going to be crazy.
At home she placed the papers before her and visualised the words and the blank forms filled with the untidy writing of Nurse Hixs. Debbie Macky was being transferred to the blue ward do to overcrowding else where. She sat herself on the wheelchair and rolled into the ward.
A few days passed before she found an enemy agent looking for Gregory. He was a nurse, but the patients hated him. She knew she must be on her guard, that she had to get rid of him.
She contrived the assault as she lay in bed hearing a woman down the hall sob into the darkness.
The place seemed to pull her in many directions at once. The patients had such power and fierceness. Some where plane touched others had Varx latched onto them, some were huge, sucking their life force away.
The pity for them welled up in her but her warrior instincts told her to use it, turn it to rage and cleave the place in two. If she could draw the agent out in the open she could make him leave.
It had never dawned on her that the puppet was a person. He had been a threat, yet here a sadness that one of her kind had brought him to this place, had stolen his life to end the war sickened her.
Getting up she opened the locked door with a thought and walked down the hall, silent as a shadow.
She saw the agent leave her room and knew how she would end him.
She had shadowed him all shift until she knew he would be making his way to the day-room.
Slowly she walked up behind him. She placed her hand on the small of his back and she whispered.
Come now to the whisper tree where the war was ended,
Come now the truce has been made and all is whole between us.
The Golden One has been reborn and she will reunite the worlds.”
The song was in the Oldest of their tongue and the nurse snapped around to find Debbie had paralysed his lower body.
His mouth open, a well of anger and rage in his reddening face. With that she ran full pelt into the day-room.
He howled in pure rage. She could place the accent but it was in the guttural snare of the lowlands, near the west coast. Debbie began her crazy raging and screaming. The nurse lunged at her but she was the better warrior by far she broke his nose, pushing him into the Veil with such force a it almost made him lose his balance. As she predicted the other nurses were behind her now, she tried to push the riotous energy in the room reaching to the women he had hurt. It worked the room went wild. Her fingers still sticky with the blood of her enemy she allowed the others to take so as not to blow her cover. She kept her eyes on Gregory the whole time, and fell into the blackness.
She could feel him near her, the drugs slightly suppressing the raw power in her.
Debbie copied the others a she had seen dosed with such drugs. Numb and pale, hollow with the fog. She answered the questions as though she had been the woman down the hall.
The doctors looked worried and looked at the nurses, then left the room.
She had won and now she needed to see, should she kill the puppet or try and save Gregory. She watched him. Came and sat near him. She tried to decide, but could not.
Should ask the court for it's council knowing it was poisoned from within? No she was alone and she would free them both. Inside the bathroom 2, in one of the cupboards was Ania Nowikci, her passes her uniform and her shoes.
She left and went to get her money and papers as Debbie and Gregory sorted. Once they were out she could take the javelin to the Golden One show her the proof a then heal Gregory. She left them in the bag that was still under the tree untouched by anything even rain. She smiled.
She slipped back into Debbie’s bed and no-one knew that she had been gone.
Everything went to plan and as she sat on the park bench, in her thin summer dress she looked at Gregory as though for the first time. No, people must be protected, they are so weak and vulnerable compared to us. We are right in this.
After she left him she retrieved the cue case and made her way to the Golden One. As she walked across the city it began to rain heavily. Her hair plastered it's self to her her head and her dress clung to her, but she kept moving.
There is a traitor, I must tell her. I must warn her."
The growing dark of evening was all the quicker for the bullet coloured clouds and the threat of lightening made the street lights fizz. Cars streaked light angry fireflies through the wet streets but she was almost there. The Golden was waiting for her, she could see her, she ran Debbie ran towards her and then; the sickening thud and crush. The truck hit her sending her spinning down the road. The Golden One ran. The lights were around her and Debbie Macky was gone.

Monday 16 February 2015

In the beginning was Death

The Death of Gregory Rivers

Gregory hadn't moved from the underpass all day. His urine soaked trousers slid against the cold tiled floor but the Voice refused to let him move. The Voice had been with him such a long time, it left him alone sometimes for weeks or months and he almost felt normal again, but when it spoke- the Voice was not just in his mind but is in his now wrecked body, jerking him like a strange puppet.
At first he had fought it, when one night he had drunkenly fell asleep on a grassed round-about. He had been young then, a promising student out with the boys. After that fateful fitful nightmare filled sleep he had woken changed.
He heard the Voice and it pained him to refuse it, but he had fought.
A sly smile spread across his cracked dry lips. He no longer cared about the cold, or the discomfort. His joints were swollen from the alcohol he drank to quieten the Voice enough to let him sleep for a night here or there but it didn't work as well as it used to.
The Voice had given him things, he saw the world differently. He could see lights and shimmering shades of colours around them. Most looked the same, maybe with black spots on them or parasites only he could see, like giant ticks or elongated cockroaches hanging from peoples unaware flesh.
The Voice had shown him the pattern, he must remember the pattern. His body jerked suddenly in a flash of pain as the colour and pattern was forced into his memory. It always hurt so badly, but it was so beautiful. A shifting ripple of rainbows and iridescence like a tear-drop or flame.
The Voice had given him this beautiful memory not of his own mind, but it did not temper the hate he felt towards it.
The underpass lights twitched and flickered. Something like a bird made of shadows flew pass over the heads of the regular people. How blind they were, how irritatingly hurtfully blind they were. Gregory envied and loathed them for it.
A breeze blew up and caught some leaves scurrying them into the underpass, They danced around him and for a moment he was transfixed and delighted.
What am I?”
He asked to the wind. The wind did not answer.
He started to cough. It started slowly a wheezing choke growing ever stronger until the rattling moistness of his own lungs echoed in the now empty underpass.
For a moment all was peaceful and he was just a man again. The hold over him was growing weaker somehow. He could remember his family, what had happened to them he wondered. His childhood friends, and then he remembered Debbie.
Her dark hair and wild eyes had drawn him when he had been placed in hospital for a few months.
The ward had been crowded and nobody seemed to know what to do with Gregory. No medication seemed to work, no family had come forward. His health problems were evident, but he was just a rambling homeless man. Alcohol psychosis and delusional schizophrenia. He had taken his meds quiet as a lamb, and had enjoyed the bed and the warm bath well enough.
One day in the day-room with it's sharp objects and mismatched chairs had come Debbie like a whirling wind. She was having a fight with a male nurse that all the patience knew like to touch the girls but the staff ever listened about. She had broken his nose and the scarlet rose had exploded on his face.
The nurse swore and the torrent of accurate abuse flowed from her mouth. Some of the other patiences especially the women howled in pleasure and gratification. Gregory could see she was ablaze literally, her real shape was like a flame. The other staff had now come over and begun to circle Debbie like a pack of Hyena. Someone lunged and stuck Debbie with something and she fell. She fell slowly and with a grace that mesmerised Gregory. Turning as she fell she looked into his eyes just before she became unconscious, and a spark of recognition jumped between them.
Gregory stood up slowly as the staff began to carry her away and picked up a plastic chair and began to beat them with it. The new assault from “harmless Gregory” shocked the nurses and two went flying, the guy with the broken nose tried to strike him, then in a wavering voice tried to reason with Gregory.
We not trying to hurt you now Gregory, put the chair down. No-ones going to hurt you. Everyone is okay.”
Gregory tilted his head and smiled passively. He put down the chair, at which point the nurse made a grab for him. He batted him away easily. The Voice had given him so much strength.
You are evil Mark. You hurt them, the girls. You are going to die soon.”
Gregory then picked up Debbie and carried her to her room. The whole room whooping and cheering as he the hero carried the damsel in distress to her room. He lay he down gently on her bed and sat holding her hand.
When the doctors had finally turned up, they had ushered Gregory into his own room.
The male nurse, Mark had never returned to the ward. Too many people had witnessed too much for them to sweep it under the carpet again.
Gregory had rescued her, and the other women in the ward and they knew it. He had told the doctors what had happened and they looked at each other nervously.
Everything went back to normal but everything was different. Some of the girls made him flowers, or gave him their pudding. Debbie did something different she just sat near him when ever she could. The staff didn't like it and discouraged them from speaking to each other but they did it anyway.
They didn't get much chance to talk about things but Gregory noticed she noticed the same things he did. The ticks and shadows the birds and animals others couldn't see, made her turn her head also.
He tried once to ask if she heard the Voice, but he began to twitch violently. The fit subsided but he got the idea that speaking to her was something the Voice disapproved of.
In the high heat of summer some of the ward were allowed to go into the garden and Debbie and Gregory went together to sit on the grass.
Come on then.” She said jumping up.
Gregory looked confused.
Time to go, now Gregory.”
He smiled and arm in arm they slowly walked towards some tall trees. Behind them was a sports bag and Debbie crouched down and opened it. It had clothes in it, a set for each of them and a pair of scissors. She took his arm and cut off the medical bracelet and gave him the scissors to cut off her own. She took off her clothes and Gregory blushed but followed suit. She then stuffed the bag with their old clothes and shoved a summer hat down over her eyes. Debbie was wearing a summer dress and sandals and looked lovely, as though she were going to play tennis.
They walked straight out of the hospital into town and sat in the park. From a pocket on the bag she retrieved two wallets both with money and a small soft velvet pouch. She also grabbed a packet of cigarettes and a battered lighter. She opened the pouch and inside was a large green gem set in a silver ring. It was unlike anything he had ever seen. It twisted around her finger and glowed with a radiance and fire as she placed it on her right hand. There some dried leaves in the bag and Debbie placed them in her hand and crushed them. She then took a cigarette and mashed it into the mix and placed it on the ground between them and light the mix. It burnt with a green flame and it's smoke wrapped it's fingers around them both. When the circle was complete it fell away.
They won't find us now Gregory.”
She smiled shyly and gave him the wallet, his wallet. Everything was where it was supposed to be, except he had not owned a wallet in years. Leaning forward she kissed his cheek and pressed a small cross made of twigs and red wool into his hand.
Good luck. Good bye.”
He sat staring at his hand and he pressed the cross to his chest and the fingers of the Voice within him lessened. After that things had gone well for a time. He lived in a hostel, thought about getting a job and made some friends.
One night someone had stolen his things and trashed his room. The cross had gone and the Voice was laughing at him. The sound would be enough to drive anyone mad. A rasping dry laugh that was pitiless and cruel.
He wept like a child. He had tried to find twigs and make the cross but it never worked. His swollen knuckles made the fiddly job impossible for him. He gave up.
He was unsure how long it had been, years since the Voice was everything.
In the underpass the sound of rainfall began. It rained a lot here, the place seemed to want to soak it's self in misery. The builds clung to the greyness.
Then a woman in a long velvet skirt swept into the underpass wrestling with an umbrella. There she was swearing and her voice was low. He looked at her and he could see it. It was her. Her shape flickered and rippled, she was shining. It was more beautiful than the memory.
His eyes welled with tears. He tried to speak. His tongue felt numb.
I HAVE FOUND HER. Hett! I have found her for you.”
His shout made her snap her attention to him. She muttered something and her flame vanished into a cloud like grey fog like so many of the other people and and she began to hurry through the under pass.
The Voice seemed to purr with please in his mind. Then the Voice seemed to leave him completely.
Gregory began to cough and try to stand but his legs failed him. He began to shake and white spittle trickled down his chin as he coughed and croaked to try and get his breath. Leaning against the wall he managed to rise to his knees. His face became red with the strain and the inability to breathe.
His white hair shook as dusk and leaves fell about him. He fell on his side and clutched his chest, in pleasure and agony. He began to vomit and the world around him grew hazy.
Debbie’s face was then over him, her dark eyes full of sorrow and love. Everything went white and the pain eased.
Someone was calling his name and he thought it was Debbie. Debbie sat in the garden. She beckoned him. The sky was very blue and the grass so very green. The colours saturated with light.
Reluctantly he moved slowly towards her like a dream. His face sad.
I lost the cross. I couldn't make another. I did something terrible.”
Debbie just nodded, gently she smiled at him.
I have been look for you for such a long time, but he found you first. The failing was mine. I should not have left you when I did but I had to keep her safe, I had to see her one last time.”
Gregory nodded.
Who is she?”
A smile spread on her face.
She is our hope. Our protector, and yours. Without her the Evil that hurt you would destroy all of your kind. Come now and rest my friend. Tomorrow I will take you to explore our land some more.”
Gregory lay his head in her lap and dreamt soft peaceful dreams about the shining lady. Everything was going to be okay now he knew. He was home.